Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July Traditions [Mini-challenge]

Happy Fourth of July! Because of the holiday, I figured that a lot of people probably would be too busy to participate in a challenge, so I decided to create a Mini-challenge, something I know that everyone will be able to do. Hopefully this will get more people involved too. I put together my own card really quick so that I could put up the challenge before things got too hectic here with all the Fourth of July festivities. Today's Mini-challenge is Fourth of July Traditions.

We celebrate the Fourth of July to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. There are many ways people celebrate our Independence Day...fireworks, parades, BBQs, etc. How do you celebrate?
Today's Mini-challenge is to send in pictures of your Fourth of July traditions. Whether it be a tradition that many people have adopted, like going to see fireworks, or some random family tradition, I want to know how you celebrate. Also I want everyone to take a moment today to remember all of those who fought for our freedom. Without them, we wouldn't be the amazing country that we are today and we wouldn't have anything to celebrate. So whether or not you observe the holiday, you can still take a minute to remember those brave souls. I want to personally thank anyone who has served or is serving in the military.
Alright everyone..that's the challenge. I know you guys can do it! Even if you don't take pictures, send in your traditions to I hope everyone has a fun and SAFE day!

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