Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 4 [Results]: Important Life Questions

MY results: Ok, so I tried to come up with some questions, but am totally blanking out. I decided that as I naturally think of questions, I'll just post them then. Here is one I was discussing the other day..

Why is it that parents always tell their kids not to take candy from strangers, yet on Halloween, they send them door to door to do just that? I always found that rather dumb.

OTHERS' results:

Paula sent me these questions and answers: Do cats see in color? Yes, but in a more limited form than we do. They have the ability to see blue, green and purple, but not reds.

Who invented the Time Zones? In 1878, Sir Sandford Fleming, a Scottish-Canadian railroad engineer

Why don't birds fall out of trees when they fall asleep? They have specialized toe muscles that act like a locking hinge. They must exert extra effort to "undo" their perched position.

Why does gargling with salt water help a sore throat? Salt water is more concentrated than the water in a bacteria. Due to osmolarity, the water leaves the body of the bug, causing it to crenate (collapse and break) which kills them. The same process closes up the open tissue that is inflamed in your throat, making it less sore.

Kate sent in these questions: I have been pondering lifes important questions. I just dont have the answers.

"If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?"

"Why are there Braille signs on drive-up ATMs?"

"Since cats always land on their feet and jelly bread always lands jelly-side down, what happens if you tie jelly bread to the back of a cat?"

"Would a fly without wings be called a walk?"

"Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?"

"Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?"

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