Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sorry for my recent hiatus. I've been so busy and haven't had a chance to keep this up. I'll resume the challenge soon. :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 7 [Challenge]: Autographed Picture

Hunter picked today's challenge. It's called: Autographed Picture.

Everybody needs a hero or two. Get an autographed picture of a contemporary person you admire. (This is easier done if the person is a celebrity, as private citizens rarely have good headshots readily available.) Pictures can usually be tracked down through production studios or through sports teams. It's inspiring to have pix of people you admire around to watch over you.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 6 [Challenge]: Motorcycle Mama

Elder Bott picked today's challenge...Motorcycle Mama. Lol.

You've got two choices here. Either ask your friend to let you climb on the back someday when she's going zipping down the coast, or you take that motorcycle safety class and learn how to ride a bike of your own--unless, of course, you've got another friend with a rural country house and an old Norton he wouldn't mind letting you drop in the mud a couple of times. Just remember, though, you've gotta wear a helmet, and you've gotta get a picture taken.

I can't wait to see pictures from this one! It sounds like a lot of fun! :)

Don't forget to send your stories and pictures to

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 5 [Results]: A Massage

MY results: I have yet to accomplish this challenge, but I'm badly sunburnt so am going to wait a few more days before I do it. Lol.

OTHERS' results: Kate and Macie have met this goal. :)

Also, my cat, Dusty. Hahaha..

Those are the only results that I've gotten for this challenge so far. Don't forget to send in yours to

Day 5 [Challenge]: A Massage

**Ahh! I'm soooo behind on posting results! I'll post for all three tomorrow. Got a super busy day today. Don't forget to send me your results.**

John picked today's challenge: A Massage. There is something wonderful about being touched and pampered by a relative stranger for just a little money. A massage or facial is one of the nicest ways to receive this touch. If you've already tried one, then do the other. It's relaxing, comforting, and possibly something that you'll want to repeat several times in your life.

Yay! Relaxation. :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 4 [Results]: Important Life Questions

MY results: Ok, so I tried to come up with some questions, but am totally blanking out. I decided that as I naturally think of questions, I'll just post them then. Here is one I was discussing the other day..

Why is it that parents always tell their kids not to take candy from strangers, yet on Halloween, they send them door to door to do just that? I always found that rather dumb.

OTHERS' results:

Paula sent me these questions and answers: Do cats see in color? Yes, but in a more limited form than we do. They have the ability to see blue, green and purple, but not reds.

Who invented the Time Zones? In 1878, Sir Sandford Fleming, a Scottish-Canadian railroad engineer

Why don't birds fall out of trees when they fall asleep? They have specialized toe muscles that act like a locking hinge. They must exert extra effort to "undo" their perched position.

Why does gargling with salt water help a sore throat? Salt water is more concentrated than the water in a bacteria. Due to osmolarity, the water leaves the body of the bug, causing it to crenate (collapse and break) which kills them. The same process closes up the open tissue that is inflamed in your throat, making it less sore.

Kate sent in these questions: I have been pondering lifes important questions. I just dont have the answers.

"If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?"

"Why are there Braille signs on drive-up ATMs?"

"Since cats always land on their feet and jelly bread always lands jelly-side down, what happens if you tie jelly bread to the back of a cat?"

"Would a fly without wings be called a walk?"

"Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?"

"Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?"

Day 4 [Challenge]: Important Life Questions

**I don't have time to post yesterday's results or I'll be late for work, but I'll add them when I get home tonight.**

I had the missionaries over on Sunday for dinner and I let each of them pick a card for this week. Elder Bond chose today's challenge, which is: Important Life Questions. I thought it was a funny one for a missionary to pick, since they answer questions like that all the time. Anyway here it is:

Write down all the weird things you've always wondered about in the world, from how they get the letters M&M on the candy to how planes stay up in the sky. Head to your nearest reference librarian and start digging for answers. Life is too short to spend the rest of it wondering.

This one sounds like it'll be fun. Everyone send your questions to If you wish to remain anonymous, let me know and I won't put your name with your questions. Try to find the answers yourself, and send those along too. If you can't find them anywhere, this may be a good place to find the answers! Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 3 [Results]: Dear President

MY results: I decided since so many people that take this challenge will be writing the president of the USA, that I would write the president of my church, Thomas S. Monson. So I wrote him a letter.

OTHERS' results: Kate wrote a letter to our former president, George W. Bush.

Don't forget to send your results to

Day 3 [Challenge]: Dear President

Sorry I didn't get this up yesterday. I was at the hospital all morning and the day kind of got away from me. I let Stephanie from the hospital pick the card for today's challenge. Drumroll please.....

Today's challenge is: Dear President.
At some point in your life, when the president does something that thrills or really pisses you off, let him know exactly what you think by writing a letter and sending it directly to the White House.
Alright guys, I don't want a big political debate on my blog. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion and whether or not we agree with what others think, we should respect their opinion. You can post what you wrote or just that you did the challenge. Pictures are always fun and please update us if you get a response and I'll post it on here. Send your stories/pictures to: Have a great day!

Fourth of July [Results]

MY results: Usually on the Fourth of July, we have a cookout and set off fireworks at our house. It rained all day, so we didn't end up doing the fireworks this year. We watched the NY fireworks on TV but it wasn't the same. I think we're going to set them off sometime in the next few weeks. Despite the fact that there were no fireworks, we still had a blast! My dad grilling in the rain. Haha.
Our lovely assortment of food.

The Stumpfs came over for the festivities. We decided to start a new tradition of Christmas in July. Brenton is Santa. :)

We made some cupcakes and cakes with flowers on them to pass out to continue with our flower challenge from day 1. We delivered them wearing our Christmas hats. It was quite funny.


Debbi and Ken matched. Aren't they cute?

Hahaha. Because we're awesome like that..

OTHERS' results:

Missa wrote "my tradition is not having a tradition. this IS the 2nd year in a row i've actually been not out of the state for 4th of July in a long time. lol"

Korri wrote "my tradition (along w/ fireworks) is missing the hubby that's always doing military-related things on Independence Day. This year he's in Iraq."

Thank you Timothy for fighting for our country!


Paula wrote "We always see fireworks, wherever we happen to be. We saw them twice this year, once in Plainfield on Sunday, and once on Friday in Southern Indiana. I always spend time being grateful for the people in the Armed Forces, and remember those who I'm related to, like my Dad, grandfather, and uncles, cousins, etc."
Kaiti and Chris went to the Balloon Festival and Air Show. I'm quite jealous of the awesome pictures that they got there. I may have to make it a tradition for me to go too. LOL.

Hope everyone had a great holiday! If you have stories or pictures, please send them to:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July Traditions [Mini-challenge]

Happy Fourth of July! Because of the holiday, I figured that a lot of people probably would be too busy to participate in a challenge, so I decided to create a Mini-challenge, something I know that everyone will be able to do. Hopefully this will get more people involved too. I put together my own card really quick so that I could put up the challenge before things got too hectic here with all the Fourth of July festivities. Today's Mini-challenge is Fourth of July Traditions.

We celebrate the Fourth of July to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. There are many ways people celebrate our Independence Day...fireworks, parades, BBQs, etc. How do you celebrate?
Today's Mini-challenge is to send in pictures of your Fourth of July traditions. Whether it be a tradition that many people have adopted, like going to see fireworks, or some random family tradition, I want to know how you celebrate. Also I want everyone to take a moment today to remember all of those who fought for our freedom. Without them, we wouldn't be the amazing country that we are today and we wouldn't have anything to celebrate. So whether or not you observe the holiday, you can still take a minute to remember those brave souls. I want to personally thank anyone who has served or is serving in the military.
Alright everyone..that's the challenge. I know you guys can do it! Even if you don't take pictures, send in your traditions to I hope everyone has a fun and SAFE day!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 2 [Results]: Make A Wish!

MY results: I went over to Kathy's house this morning to deliver her birthday plant and she let me use her fountain to make my wish! Thanks Kathy! Here are my pix from today: Oh, and I also made a wish at Wal-mart for the Riley Children's Hospital. :)

I hope everyone had fun with today's challenge and that all of your wishes come true!

OTHERS' results: I'm starting a tally. So far wishes were made by: Kathy, Kate, Alex, Ally, David, Jacob, Sadie, and Sammi. If anyone else wants me to add their name to the list, just let me know you made a wish!

Day 2 [Challenge]: Make A Wish!

A penny isn't worth much these days, so even if you are too cynical to believe that wishes come true, all you are losing is one cent. But think of the upside if they do come true! At your local or favorite fountain, when nobody is looking, close your eyes, make a wish, and fling that penny!

Let's see how many wishes we can get today! You don't have to tell us what you wished for, just that you did it! E-mail your stories to, or comment on this post telling me that you did it. Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 1 [Results]: Send Flowers

MY results: My sister, Alex, her friend, Allison, and I bought a bunch of roses and took them to people who have made a difference in our lives and we wanted to brighten their day. We didn't take pictures of them all, but I do have a picture of Alex with all of the roses and I'll post it tomorrow with the new challenge because we got in kind of late. We also took one to the cemetery and placed it on the grave of our friend's daughter..something we've been wanting to do for a while, but hadn't come around to it. This challenge gave us the perfect opportunity to do it. Oh, and I thought about doing this as more of a weekly thing, but I'm having too much fun. But it doesn't have to be a daily challenge for those of you who want to join. Go at your own pace, these are just fun suggestions for you to get out and do something to enhance your day, and maybe someone else's. I know we had a blast today and made a lot of people really happy. It's always nice to get flowers and have people recognize you for what a great person you are. I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. I wish we could have reached them all, but there is only so much that we could do. I hope that everyone else had a great day!

I also bought a hanging plant for Kathy because it was her birthday and that was my initial thought for this challenge. Then we came up with the roses and I didn't get to deliver the "lipstick" plant until today, July 3rd. The challenge lives

OTHERS' results: If you participated in the challenge and want to share what you did, I'll post it here. Pictures are always great, but you don't have to have them. I'll continue to add onto this for those of you who join in later. :)
You can e-mail your stories to:

Kate and Sadie work at a daycare and made a candy "bouquet" for the kids today. Here they are:
They also bought flowers for their boss, Casey:

Kathy took some pictures of her flower garden and posted them on facebook to share their beauty with everyone yesterday. She said we could post some here too:

Jessy got some flowers and gave them to her friend's mom on July 3rd. Keep up the good work guys!

On July 4th, Missa, Brenton, Debbi, Kate, Macie, John, and I made cupcakes and cakes with flowers on them and delivered them to some of our friends.

I got an e-mail from Paula on July 6th. She wrote "I made AJ a little booklet full of flowers as a get well card 'coz she had her wisdom teeth out on Monday. It was cute!" She also sent me these pictures:

Day 1 [Challenge]: Send Flowers

I decided to not look through the whole deck, just to shuffle them each day and pick a card at random. The first card that I drew was: Send Flowers. This is your first challenge.
Sending flowers as a statement of appreciation, friendship, love, or something else (what else is there?) is still one of the nicest things to do. Receiving flowers is wonderful too, particularly when it's not for a specific event. For a certain intrigue and understandment, send them anonymously, but be sure there are enough tidbits of evidence to implicate you. After all, you wouldn't want that Fabio lookalike across the building to get the credit now, would you?

I know that not everyone will be able to afford some of these challenges, so I will try to post alternatives so that everyone can still participate. If you can't send flowers, you can pick some and take them to someone, send some virtual flowers (for those super technology-dependent people) or make a card, do something to make someone's day, the way that flowers would. The most important thing to remember with these challenges is to have fun! :)