My aunt was telling me about this deck of cards that she once had. She used to send out a card with each of her letters when she wrote her husband out at sea. I thought they sounded really cool and thanks to the help of Google..I found them.

By Lynn Gordon and Illustrated by Susan Synarski
I couldn't find them in store, so I ordered them online today. So I'll actually start up the blog in 3-5 days when I get them.
I thought it would be fun to start a blog, with a new card each day. I'll post pictures of the card and the new thing of the day that I tried.
I'll post the card in the morning and challenge everyone else to do that thing as well. If you want, you can e-mail me pictures with a story of your adventure and I'll post it on the blog.
I'll be back in a few days with the first challenge! :)